Thursday, July 12, 2007

Exciting stuff!

Paige and I officially became business partners today- as far as the Secretary of State of California Article # bla, bla, bla is concerned.

The Knowledge Age School, LLC has documentation- it's official! :)

Now, we just have to get this business off the ground...not as easy to do! ;)

I'm going to create a dreamline for TKAS so you can all follow along with the fun...

In the meantime, be praying that Tim Ferriss likes us as much as we like him!!


Paige Kearin said...

Whoo Hoo! I am so excited!

Deyl said...

go big or go home

amynave said...

YAY, that's very exciting. Your girls are amazing!

Katie Miller said...

Thats my roommate!!